Direct Carrier Billing

SMS Payments

Direct Carrier Billing Interaction Diagram

Direct Carrier Billing (SMS Payments) Interaction Diagram

Direct Carrier Billing (SMS Payments) Interaction Diagram

Direct Carrier Billing (SMS Payments) payments interaction diagram description:

  1. The user visits the Partner's website, selects the service that he wants to pay for, selects his mobile operator from the proposed payment options list and enters the desired amount and his phone number for payment.
  2. The partner processes the request for payment from phone number account and sends a payment request to the System.
  3. The System checks the received request for the correct structure, required parameters, etc. and generates a request to create a payment in the Payment method.
  4. The payment method processes the received request, checks the possibility of making a payment from the specified mobile phone account.
  5. The payment method returns a response about the possibility of making a payment.
  6. The system processes the received response and returns the corresponding response to the Partner service.
  7. The Partner notifies the User about successful or unsuccessful payment initiation. In case of successful initiation, it displays a field for the User to enter a one-time payment confirmation code.
  8. The user receives a one-time code in an SMS and confirms the payment by entering this code in the form on the Partner's website.
  9. After receiving the payment confirmation code from the User, the Partner sends a request to confirm the payment with a one-time code to the System
  10. The system accepts a request to confirm payment with a one-time code, processes it and generates a request to confirm payment using the Payment Method.
  11. The payment method processes the received payment confirmation request.
  12. The payment method returns the result of the payment confirmation.
  13. The system generates a response to the Partner with the result of payment confirmation.
  14. The Partner processes the response received from the System and informs the User about the result of the payment confirmation.
  15. The payment method processes the payment and generates a response to the System based on the result of its execution.
  16. The system receives the payment result and sends a payment notification (feedback message) to the Partner's service.
  17. The Partner processes the payment notification and notifies the User about the result (provides the service).

Direct Carrier Billing Payments Methods

The following HTTP requests facilitate interaction between the System and the Partner:

Request DirectionFormURL (Endpoint)
Partner → SystemPhone account payment requestPOST {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/pay
Partner → SystemPayment confirmation requestPOST {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/pay_otp
Partner → SystemOne-time code resend requestPOST {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/resend_otp
Partner → SystemPayment cancellation requestPOST {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/pay_cancel
System → PartnerPayment notification requestPOST The URL for receiving notifications is provided by the Partner
Partner → SystemPayment status requestPOST {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/check_pay
Partner → SystemPayment registry requestGET {{url_system}}/reestr
Partner → SystemRefund requestPOST {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/make_refund

Where the value of {{url_system}} is:

  • For Test environment -
  • For PROD environment -

The value of Service_ID is provided during onboarding and is unique for each mobile operator.

Note: Every request must contain a header (HTTP header) "Content-Type" with the value:

The system checks the request from the point of view of security and correctness of the request. If the security check fails, the System returns HTTP Status 400 or 404 to the request. In case of a request validation error, HTTP Status 401 or 403.

Payment Request From a Phone Account

To initiate a payment from a phone account, make the following request:

POST request to {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/pay

Request Parameters

orderidYesStringUnique operation ID in the Partner's system.123456789
goodphoneYesStringPartner's ID, unique for each mobile operator, assigned during onboarding.1001
ctnYesString11-digit mobile phone number of the User making the payment.79012345678
smstextYesStringFormat: <Partner prefix> <Order Number> <Payment Amount>
where <Partner> is unique and assigned during onboarding.
1001 123456789 300.00
dtYesDate-TimeDate and time of the request, format: yyyyMMddHHmmss.2024070123301
controlYesStringRequest control signature: MD5 hash (orderid+goodphone+ctn+smstext+dt+secret_key).a2b911b4101e4a...
merchant_siteNoStringAddress of the Partner's website from which the payment is made.
return_urlNoStringUser's return URL if redirected to confirm payment (may be required depending on connection)

The system generates a response in XML format with UTF-8 encoding (Content-Type: application/xml).

System Response Parameters

idNoStringUnique System operation ID.
Required if result is 0
resultYesIntegerRequest processing result code:
0 – Successful request
in all other cases – an error occurred while processing the request
descrNoStringDescription of processing results

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link

Payment Confirmation Request

To confirm a payment with a one-time code, submit the following request:

POST request to {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/pay_otp

Request Parameters

idYesStringUnique transaction ID in the System received in the response to successful payment initiation.98765
otpYesIntegerOne-time code numeric value received by the User via SMS.123456
controlYesStringRequest control signature:
MD5 hash (id+otp+secret_key),
where + is the concatenation sign and secret_key is the secret key for the Partner's account.

The system generates a response in XML format encoded in UTF-8 (Content-Type: application/xml).

System Response Parameters

idNoStringUnique operation ID in the System.
Required if result is 0
resultYesIntegerRequest processing result code:
0 – Successful request initiation.
Any other value – Request processing error.
descrNoStringDescription of the processing result

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link

One-time Code Resend

To resend a one-time code to the user, submit the following request:

POST request to {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/resend_otp

Request Parameters

orderidYesStringUnique operation ID in the Partner's system123456789
controlYesStringRequest control signature:
MD5 hash (orderid + secret_key),
where + is the concatenation sign and secret_key is the secret key for the Partner's account.

The system generates a response in XML format encoded in UTF-8 (Content-Type: application/xml).

System Response Parameters

idNoStringUnique operation ID in the System.
Required if result is 0
resultYesIntegerRequest processing result code:
0 – Successful request initiation.
Any other value – Request processing error.
descrNoStringDescription of the processing result

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link

Payment Cancellation Request

To cancel a payment, submit the following request:

POST request to {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/pay_cancel

Request Parameters

orderidYesStringUnique operation ID in the Partner's system123456789
controlYesStringRequest control signature:
MD5 hash (orderid + secret_key),
where + is the concatenation sign and secret_key is the secret key for the Partner's account.

The system generates a response in XML format encoded in UTF-8 (Content-Type: application/xml).

System Response Parameters

idNoStringUnique operation ID in the System.
Required if result is 0
resultYesIntegerRequest processing result code:
0 – Successful request initiation.
Any other value – Request processing error.
descrNoStringDescription of the processing result

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link

Payment Notification Request

The following parameters are included in the notification sent from the System to the Partner’s system:

idYesStringUnique ID of the operation in the System123456789
phoneYesString11-digit mobile phone number of the User from which the payment is made.79012345678
resultYesIntegerPayment Status:
0 – Successful payment / successful refund.
• Any value other than 0 is an error code.
controlYesStringRequest control signature:
MD5 hash (id + phone + result + secret_key),
where + is the concatenation sign and secret_key is the secret key for the Partner's account.
cmdYesStringCommand type. For notification requests, cmd = status.status

The Partner must send the following parameters in response to the System notification request:

resultYesIntegerRequest processing result code:
0 – The request was successfully accepted and processed by the Partner.
1 – "Temporary error" when processing the request (repeat the request later).
2 – Permanent error when processing the request (e.g., invalid request parameters).
descrNoStringDescription of the processing result

If the system encounters a "temporary error" or any other unlisted response, it will continue to repeat the requests until a successful status is received from the Partner's service.

Repeat notifications are sent at regular intervals (in seconds):
10, 30, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 300, 300, 300, 3600, and then stop after 5 days.

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link

Payment Status Request

To receive the current payment status, make the following request:

POST request to {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/check_pay

Request Parameters

orderidYesStringUnique operation ID in the Partner's system123456789
dtYesDate-TimeDate and time of request in the following format: yyyyMMddHHmmss2024070131502
controlYesStringRequest control signature: MD5 hash (orderid + dt + secret_key),
where + is the concatenation sign and secret_key is the secret key for the Partner's account.

The system generates a response in XML format encoded in UTF-8 (Content-Type: application/xml).

System Response Parameters

resultYesIntegerCode of the request processing result:
0 – Successful request initiation.
1 – Request processing error.
errorYesIntegerDescription of the request processing result:
0 – Successful operation.
1 – Operation is processing (not final).
2 – Payment error.
3 – Operation with this orderid was not found.
4 – A partial or full refund was made for the transaction.
-1 – System error.
sumNoDecimalPayment amount300.00
descrNoStringProcessing result description (for errors)Error detail
idNoStringUnique operation ID in the System987654321
refund_detailsNoArray of refundsAn array of successful return operation descriptions. This parameter contains <refund> tags with the same set of operation parameters as the payment operation.<refund> tags

Note: In the event of a successful refund, the system's response will include the status of the original successful payment and an array containing the statuses of all completed refund operations (only final successful ones).

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link

Payment Registry Request

To obtain a registry of payments for a specified period, make the following request:

GET request to {{url_system}}/reestr

Request Parameters

typeYesStringThe format of the registry: xml/json/csvcsv
service_idYesIntegerThe Partner’s account ID in the System1001
dt_startYesDate-TimeThe start date and time for the period:
Format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm
01.07.2024 00:00
dt_endYesDate-TimeThe end date and time for the period:
Format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm
01.07.2024 23:59
hashYesStringRequest Control Signature:
MD5 hash(dt_start + dt_end + secret_key),
where + is the concatenation sign and secret_key is the secret key for the Partner's account.

The System will respond with a registry in the requested format. The records are filtered based on the date and time the operations were created in the System.

System Response Parameters

idNoUnique operation ID in the System
pidNoID of the operation in the Partner's system
statusNoStatus of the operation
smstextNoParameter format:
<Partner prefix> <Account/Order ID_in_Partner’s_System> <Payment Amount>
<Partner prefix> is unique to each telecom operator and assigned during onboarding.
phoneNo11-digit mobile phone number of the User from which the payment was made
goodphoneNoPartner's ID, unique for each mobile operator, assigned during onboarding.
createdNoDate and time when the payment operation was created
changedNoDate and time when the payment operation was last updated
amountNoPayment amount
partner_notifiedNoIndicates whether a notification (callback) was sent to the Partner. Possible values: true - yes; false - no
parametersNoAdditional payment parameters
partnerNameNoName of the Partner in the System
partnerFeeNoCommission amount for the operation

Note: The System enforces a limit on the number of transactions included in the response (no more than 20,000). If this limit is exceeded, an error message will be returned with the following text:

"Too much data was requested. Reduce the date range or DT_END parameter to 12.03.2024 14:29"

where the specified date represents the point when the 20,000 transactions were created, minus 1 minute.

To retrieve additional data, the Partner should add 1 minute to the given time and use this new time as the dt_start.

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link

Refund Request

To initiate a refund for a previously completed payment, use the following request:

POST request to {{url_system}}/partner/Service_ID/make_refund

Request Parameters

orderidYesStringUnique operation ID in the Partner's system123456789
dtYesDate-TimeDate and time of the request, formatted as yyyyMMddHHmmss2024070133502
amountYesDecimalRefund amount (must not exceed the original transaction amount).300.00
controlYesStringRequest control signature:
MD5 hash(orderid + amount + dt + secret_key),
where + is the concatenation sign and secret_key is the secret key for the Partner's account.

The system generates a response in XML format encoded in UTF-8 (Content-Type: application/xml).

System Response Parameters

idNoStringUnique operation ID in the System. Required if result is 0.
resultYesIntegerCode indicating the result of the refund request:
0 – refund successful.
2 – refund is being processed.
• Any other value indicates a request processing error.
orderidYesStringUnique operation ID in the Partner's system.
descrNoStringDescription of the result if an error occurs.

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link