Collecting Cardholder Data Details

PCI DSS Certification Requirement

Request Parameters

Two parameters are required for a request to the URL https://secure(-test) (HTTP POST):

  • data: Base64 encoded JSON document string.
  • sign: Signature formed on the data string.

JSON Document Parameters

Parameter NameTypeMax LengthDescriptionExample
card_data.panString16Card number4111111111111111
card_data.exp_monthInteger3Expiration date (Month)12
card_data.exp_yearInteger4Expiration date (Year)2024
card_data.cardholderString255Cardholder’s name (Latin characters only)Ivan Petrov

In cases requiring 3DS verification, the url attribute will be returned in the response. You should redirect the user to this URL. If needed, you can add the optional params.term_url parameter to create a link for redirecting the user to the Issuer's page for 3DS login on the Partner's side, depending on the payment gateway settings.

Optional Parameter

Parameter NameTypeMax LengthDescriptionExample
params.term_urlString255Partner URL for 3DS completion redirection

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link