Methods for Conducting Disbursements
Request for Disbursement Operation
This method is designed to perform a payout operation to specific transfer requisites.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Response Format: XML
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Transaction ID within Partner’s system | Yes |
dt | date and time | Date and time of request. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | Yes |
amount | decimal | Payout amount (has to be an integer for payouts in IDR), with a dot as a decimal point delimiter | Yes |
currency | string | Transaction currency | Yes |
phone | string | User’s phone number. Format: 622851280 (phone value is not validated, it is possible to pass a static value) | Yes |
client | string | Crediting account (bank account) | Yes |
destination | string | Payout destination identifier (see List of available destinations section) | Yes |
receiver_fio | string | User’s first name and last name | Yes |
payout_currency | string | Actual payout currency. Used when payout currency is different from the {currency} parameter. | No |
receiver_bic | string | Receiver bank code (see List of available values - depends on country). | No |
hash | string | Request control signature: MD5-hash (id + dt + amount + phone + client + destination + secret_key), where + is a concatenation sign, and secret_key is the Partner’s account secret key. | Yes |
Additional Parameters: Required for some destinations. For more details, see the list of payment destinations.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
payer_fio | string | Payment sender’s name |
payer_last_name | string | Payment sender’s last name |
payer_first_name | string | Payment sender’s first name |
payer_middle_name | string | Payment sender’s middle name |
payer_doc_type | string | Document type. The list of available documents listed below (country-specific) |
payer_doc_ser | string | Payment sender's identity document series number |
payer_doc_num | string | Payment sender's identity document number |
payer_doc_issuer | string | Payment sender's identity document issuer |
payer_doc_date | string | Payment sender's identity document date of issue |
payer_birth_date | string | Payment sender's date of birth |
payer_birth_place | string | Payment sender's place of birth |
payer_address | string | Payment sender’s address, place of registration |
receiver_country | string | Payment recipient’s country of residence. Format: ISO 3166-1-Alpha 2 |
receiver_city | string | Payment recipient’s city |
receiver_birth_date | string | Payment recipient’s date of birth. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
receiver_bic | string | BIC of the beneficiary's bank |
card_holder | string | Cardholder’s name |
card_currency | string | Bank card account currency |
card_expire | string | Bank card expiration date. Format: MM/YY |
detailsofpayment | string | Details of payment |
payer_ip | string | User IP address |
string | User's e-mail address | |
account_type | string | Type of recipient's bank account |
region | string | Recipient's region of residence |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Transaction ID in the Partner's system |
result | string | Query result with description: OK - request received successfully ERROR – an error occurred and interaction should stop PAID – transaction successful NOT_PAID - transaction failed PROCESSING – processing, status is not final |
currency_rate | string | (optional) Currency exchange rate. Example: 0.01638 |
payout_amount | string | (optional) Payout amount after currency exchange. Example: 0.01 |
API Reference
You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link
Get Status Method
This method can be used to obtain the actual transaction status. The transaction status should be requested via the Check method at least one minute after transaction initialization.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Response Format: XML
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Transaction ID in the Partner's system (max 20 characters) | Yes |
dt | date and time | Date and time of request formation. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | Yes |
amount | decimal | Payout transaction amount (to be credited to the account) | Yes |
destination | string | Payout destination identifier | Yes |
service_id | string | Partner ID in the System | Yes |
hash | string | Control signature: md5(id + dt + amount + destination + secretKey) | Yes |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Transaction ID in the Partner's system |
result | string | Query result with description: PAID – transaction successful NOT_PAID - transaction failed PROCESSING – processing, status is not final NOT_FOUND – Transaction not found |
API Reference
You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link
Transaction History Request
This method can be used to query the transaction registry for a specified time period.
HTTP Method: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
type | string | Registry format: xml, json, csv |
service_id | int | Partner ID in the System |
dt_start | Date and time | Date/time of the start of the selection period (including). Format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm |
dt_end | Date and time | Date/time of the end of the selection period (excluding). Format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm |
hash | string | Control signature: md5(dt_start + dt_end + secretKey) |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Transaction ID in the Partner's system |
pid | string | Transaction ID within Partner’s system |
destination | string | Payout destination identifier (see list of payout destinations) |
client | string | Enrollment account (phone number, bank card number, personal account, etc.) |
status | string | Payout transaction final result |
partner_status | string | Payout transaction status |
created | Date-Time | Date and time the payment transaction was created |
changed | Date-Time | Date and time of the payment operation |
amount | decimal | Payment transaction amount to be credited to recipient’s account |
comiss | decimal | Commission amount for the payout transaction |
currency | string | Transaction currency |
partner_notified | boolean | Whether a notification (callback) was sent to the Partner.true – YES;false – NO. |
This request has an output limit of 20,000 transactions. If the limit is exceeded, an error message will be returned:
The amount of data requested is too large. Please reduce the date range or DT_END parameter to 10/01/2020 14:29.
Where the specified date is the creation time of the 20,000th transaction in the registry minus 1 minute. To receive further registry data, the Partner must add 1 minute to the specified time and use it as the dt_start
API Reference
You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link
Balance Request
This request retrieves the current balance of the partner.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
dt | Date and Time | The date and time when the request is made. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
hash | String | Control signature: md5(DT + secretKey) |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
balance | Decimal | The available balance for payments. Example: 0.00 |
API Reference
You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link
Balance Statement Method
Account Movement of Funds Statement Request
This method is designed to obtain information on the movement of funds on the Partner's account balance.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
dt_start | Date and Time | Date/time of the start of the selection period (inclusive). Format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm |
dt_end | Date and Time | Date/time of the end of the selection period (exclusive). Format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm |
hash | string | Control signature: md5(dt_start + dt_end + secretKey) |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Internal balance transaction ID |
dt | Date and Time | Date and time of the balance transaction request |
type | string | Type of transaction: IN – credit OUT – debit |
amount | string | Crediting / debiting operation amount |
comment | string | Comment (assignment) |
API Reference
You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link
Callback Request
The Partner is notified asynchronously about updates to the transaction status. The notification may include any non-confidential information from the System.
The Partner must respond with either "OK" or "ERROR":
- OK – Notification received successfully.
- ERROR – An error occurred; interaction should be terminated.
If any other response or an HTTP status code other than 200 is received, the System will continue to send repeat notifications until a successful status update is received. Repeat notifications are sent at intervals of 10, 30, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 300, 300, 300, and 3600 seconds, stopping after 48 hours.
Callback Request Parameters
Parameter name | Description |
id | Transaction ID in the external system |
dt | Date and time of the payout operation |
amount | Payout transaction amount (to be credited to the account) |
result | Operation status code: 0 – fail 1 – success |
error | Payout error description when RESULT <> 0 |
destination | Payout destination identifier (see list of payout destinations) |
hash | Control signature: md5(id + dt + amount + result + destination + secretKey) |
API Reference
You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link
Updated 8 days ago