Time-Limited Transaction Report

Request Parameters

To request a time-limited transaction report, you need to send a POST request to the URL https://secure(-test).8b.world/pay/get_report with the following parameters:

  • data: A base64 encoded JSON document string.
  • sign: A signature generated from the data string.

JSON Document Parameters

Parameter NameTypeMax LengthDescriptionExample
api_keyString255Shop key (identifier)c84f1ac0-e4f0-0131-5298-70921c57c2a2
time_startString-Initial time of the timeframe in yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM format. Optional.2014-07-21 12:44
time_endString-End time of the timeframe in yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM format. Optional.2014-07-21 12:44
statusInteger2Processing status:
- 0: Transaction is created (not processed, User is redirected for 3DS verification).
- 1: Successful authorization (funds hold).
- 2: Successful unlock of funds.
- 3: Successful payment.
- 4: Successful refund.
- 8: Processing incomplete.
- 98: Expired (transaction expired).
- 99: Processing error (unsuccessful payment).
pageInteger-Page number. Maximum of 1000 elements per page. Optional.1

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link