Description and Protocol Details

Disbursement Interaction Diagram

Disbursement Interaction Diagram

Disbursement Interaction Diagram

Disbursement Interaction Diagram Description

  1. User initiates a disbursement operation in Partner’s service using a Payment method.
  2. Partner’s service sends a disbursement request to a specific System URL.
  3. The System accepts the request after verifying the required request parameters and request signature validity.
  4. The System returns a response with a message stating that the request is either correct and accepted or with an error message if the request did not meet the System requirements for processing.
  5. The System performs further request processing and sends the data to the Payment method.
  6. Payment method’s service performs further disbursement request processing.
  7. Payment method informs the System about the disbursement result.
  8. The System notifies Partner’s service about the disbursement operation result.

General Description

The protocol (API) is designed to facilitate information exchange between the Partner and the System. The API enables the Partner to perform various operations, such as mass payments to bank and mobile phone accounts, requesting and receiving information on the current state of transactions, and requesting a registry of operations.

Protocol Details

Information interaction is conducted via the HTTP protocol with SSL/TLS encryption.

Authentication and authorization are handled through the Partner's provided IP address. Each request to the System includes the external system identifier assigned to the Partner (Service_ID) and the secret key (SecretKey). Each request to and from the System is signed with a control signature using the request parameters and the secret key. The external system identifier and the secret key are generated upon request to technical support and sent to the Partner.

List of Requests

Request DirectionRequest MethodDescriptionURL
Main Requests:
Partner –> Payout SystemPayout method. Payout request, POSTUsed by Partner for payout transaction initialization.url_system/partner/service_id/payout
Payout System –> PartnerPayout notification (callback), POSTUsed by the System to notify the Partner about the transaction and its status.URL provided by the Partner
Additional Requests:
Partner –> Payout SystemCheck method. Transaction status request, POSTUsed by Partner to receive payout transaction status.url_system/partner/service_id/check
Partner –> Payout SystemBalance method. Partner balance request, POSTUsed by Partner to receive current account balance information.url_system/partner/service_id/balance
Partner –> Payout SystemBalance_statement method, POSTUsed by Partner to receive account balance operation detail.url_system/partner/service_id/balance_statement
Partner –> Payout SystemPayout_reestr method. Payout transaction registry request, GETUsed by Partner to receive payout transaction registry.url_system/payout_reestr
Partner –> Payout SystemNotify method. Callback resend request, POSTUsed by Partner to resend callback with current transaction status.url_system/partner/service_id/notify

At the beginning of the engagement, the Merchant receives credentials to access the Web Portal at the following URLs:

  • Test environment:
  • Production environment: