Recurrent Payments

Regular, repeated payments

Request Parameters

Recurrent payment is a type of payment that does not require re-entering payment details after the initial setup. Full payment details are required for the first payment, and all subsequent payments are processed without needing to re-enter these details. This option is not available by default.

To set up recurrent payments, the merchant can include a special parameter params.pay_token_flag when initiating the payment. This flag indicates that the payment is the first in a series of recurring payments. If the payment is successful, the seller will receive a special token that can be used for processing further recurring payments.

Key Points:

  • Initial Payment: Requires full payment details.
  • Subsequent Payments: Do not require re-entering payment details.
  • Setup: Use the params.pay_token_flag parameter to indicate the start of a recurring payment chain.
  • Token: A special token is provided for future recurring payments after the initial payment is successful.

All subsequent recurrent orders should be sent to the URL https://secure(-test).8b.worls/pay/recurrent. The parameters for these orders are the same as those described earlier, with the addition of a re-payment token.

API Reference

You can view a Reference API implementation for this method at this link